
Filmliste Rumble – Dr. med. Max Gerson – Gersonfilme


Stephen Kroschels 4 Gersonfilme

The Gerson Miracle – https://rumble.com/v3geepd-the-gerson-miracle.html

The Beautiful Truth – https://rumble.com/v5f8nqd-the-beautiful-truth.html

Dying To Have Known – https://rumble.com/v3gec8b-dying-to-have-known.html

Howard Straus – MAX GERSON AND THE HEALING METHOD HE WAS MURDERED FOR – https://rumble.com/v4s63wu–max-gerson-and-the-healing-method-he-was-murdered-for.html


Dr. Jan Newell – Gerson Therapy Health Coach – Vancouver

Talk am 9. Oktober 2024

Talk – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Newell.mp4

Bitchute – https://old.bitchute.com/video/bDBNPhAR3bWm/

Rumble – https://rumble.com/v5i2vyr-dr.-jan-newell-gerson-therapy-health-coach-vancouver.html

Odysee – https://odysee.com/@BTGH:4/Newell:5

Website – https://www.healthtalk180.com

Rumble – https://rumble.com/user/HealthTalk180/videos

Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/@HealthTalk180/videos

Angel Juicer vs Pure Juicer 

Angel Juicer – https://angeljuiceramerica.com/?bg_ref=0I6IGuE8I1https://gersonsummit.vonabisw.de/angel-juicer-5500

Angel Juicer 8500 vs Norwalk Juicer – –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xs5VVHG1Oc

Juicer – Angel vs Pure Juicer – –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xsGnGZxvWg&t=103s

Research on Carninutrients in Canada? – Cholin etc. – Fraud on Supplements?

Filmliste Rumble – Dr. med. Max Gerson


Top Secrets of Healing Triple Negative Breast Cancer| My Learnings for Life | 2024-03-01


45 Pfund entsprechen 20,41164 Kilogramm.

How to Organize Supplements for Gerson Therapy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILV-npVg4ig – How to do Wim Hof Cold Shower Therapy as a Part of My Healing Protocol – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmJ_OxkTc50 – How to make Gerson Green Juice with Super Angel Juicer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8xrq9f0Ng – 3 Reasons for Juicing | When to Dink Juice and How Much | Best Cold Press Juicer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBO7rSXOrTI – 3 Ways to Clean Super Angel Juicer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgnFZNWGHRw

Margaret Straus’s Message on Dr. Max Gerson’s 140’s Birthday | Gerson Therapy | 2021-10-17 – https://rumble.com/v4qyckq-margaret-strauss-message-on-dr.-max-gersons-140s-birthday-gerson-therapy-20.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

Beata Bishop (100 years old 2024)- Healed Stage 4 Melanoma 45 years ago | Healed the Incurable with Gerson Therapy | Interview on 2020-05-20 – https://rumble.com/v4g7bik-100-years-old-is-41-years-stage-4-melanoma-survivor-healed-the-incurable-wi.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

Gerson Legacy (Part 1) with Margaret Straus | Dr. Max Gerson and Charlotte Gerson | Gerson Therapy | Interview on 2020-06-03 – https://rumble.com/v4c7yji-gerson-legacy-part-1-with-margaret-straus-dr.-max-gerson-and-charlotte-gers.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

Gerson Legacy (Part 2) with Margaret Straus | Howard Straus and 3rd & 4th Generation of Gerson Family | Dr. Max Gerson | Gerson Therapy | Interview on 2020-06-03 – https://rumble.com/v4cdauf-gerson-legacy-part-2-margaret-straus-and-howard-straus-dr.-max-gerson-gerso.html?e9s=src_v1_upp


Margaret Straus – Enkelin von Max Gerson

Talk am 4. Oktober 2024

Talk – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Straus.mp4

Bitchute – https://old.bitchute.com/video/OpbLJch8mSfU/

Rumble – https://rumble.com/v5hf49o-margaret-straus-granddaughter-of-max-gerson-talk-4th-october-2024.html

Odysee – https://odysee.com/@BTGH:4/Straus:e

Francesca Dego – https://www.francescadego.comhttps://www.francescadego.com/biography

The Arc

Assassination 1959 by the satanic forces of the pharmaceutical-industrial-complex – and then 2005:

Dr. med. Max Gerson in the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame – 2005


together with Dr. med. Frederick Robert Klennerhttps://isom.ca/profile/frederick-klenner/ – = “Vitamin C is the safest substance available to the physician.” – Frederick Klenner, MD – https://www.doctoryourself.com/klennerpaper.html – The Cure of Polio in 72 hrs. with 25.000 IVC

Stephen Kroschels 4 Films

The Gerson Miracle – https://rumble.com/v3geepd-the-gerson-miracle.html

The Beautiful Truth – https://rumble.com/v5f8nqd-the-beautiful-truth.html

Dying To Have Known – https://rumble.com/v3gec8b-dying-to-have-known.html

Howard Straus – MAX GERSON AND THE HEALING METHOD HE WAS MURDERED FOR – https://rumble.com/v4s63wu–max-gerson-and-the-healing-method-he-was-murdered-for.html

Andrew W. Saul Interviews Cancer Crusader CHARLOTTE GERSON

(1922-2019)  – https://www.doctoryourself.com/charlotte.html – Max Gerson – http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonbio.htm

Institute and Foundation


The Gerson- Therapy in China, – Forest Hills High School, Jackson College for Women – https://exhibits.tufts.edu/spotlight/glimpse-at-jackson-college Tufts University, Beata Bishop, Italy, Howard Straus, the Gerson Therapy in Europe, Jason Vale and Joe Cross and their healing approach, blood pressure till 1982 160/100 without medication (over 50 it was 170/100 . Iona Heath) – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFxDSKvP5sScVSZj_axh4Km

and 20.000 I.U. of Vitamin D3 – Colecalciferol daily and a Vitamin D3 – 25 OH D –  Level of 80 ng/ml = 200 nmol/l as an important adiuvant for Gerson patients. – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHzzWYmFN8irXXSUEK6QaQ9VitaminDWiki Mega-Searchhttps://vitamindwiki.com

Charlotte Gerson – https://gersonsummit.vonabisw.de/charlotte-gerson-tochter-von-max-gerson

Filmliste Charlotte and Dr. med. Max Gerson –https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t

The Gerson Miracle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkDdiaeUovI&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=11&t=20s

Gersonbooks – https://maxgersonfoundation.org/collections/all

Sebastian Kneipp – https://kneipp.vonabisw.de – 1900 Bismarck/Kneipp – „Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts war Kneipp in Nordamerika der bekannteste Deutsche nach Otto von Bismarck.“ – https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastian_Kneipp#Kneipp_wird_europaweit_bekannt

Der Österreicher Rudolf Breuss (1899-1990)  – https://www.onkopedia.com/de/onkopedia/guidelines/breuss-diaet/@@guideline/html/index.htmlhttps://www.amazon.de/Die-Breuss-Kur-Ratschläge-unheilbaren-Erkrankungen/dp/3961111847 – Im Rahmen der Breuß-Diät darf 42 Tage lange nichts gegessen werden, stattdessen werden maximal 500 ml Gemüsesäfte und zusätzlich Kräutertees sorgfältig eingespeichelt und ritualmäßig in kleinen Schlucken getrunken. Als Säfte empfahl er eine Mischung aus frisch gepressten roten und gelben Rüben, Rettich, Sellerie und Kartoffeln.

Zum 50. Todestag von Dr. med. Max Gerson


1929 Kassel-Wilhemshöhe – Dr. Max Gerson übernimmt die Leitung des Sanatoriums Wilhelmshöhe – Febrruar 1932 -> Berlin – 25 Bettenstation im Urbankrankenhaus – Herbst 1932 – Die Familie zieht nach – Nähe Bahnhof Zoo – Besuch von Albert Schweitzer in Berlin – April 1933 Flucht nach Wien – Leitung des Sanatoriums Purkersdorf – 1934 – „Diät der Lungentuberkulose“ – 1935 -> Paris – -> London – -> New York

Charlotte (Lotte) Gerson in der Waldorfschule Kassel. (1929-1933) – 1930 Helene Schweitzer im Sanatorium wegen Lungentuberkulose –

Dr. Max Gerson – Meine Diät – Ein Ratgeber für Kranke und Gesunde


Täglich 6 x 250 ml Apfel-Karottensaft + 1 x 250 ml Orangensaft

Max Gerson Foundation


13.10.2019 – Interview with Margaret Straus – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0CMSpaOLGchttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson90.mp4

Margaret Straus’s Message on Dr. Max Gerson’s 140’s Birthday | Gerson Therapy | 2021-10-17 – https://rumble.com/v4qyckq-margaret-strauss-message-on-dr.-max-gersons-140s-birthday-gerson-therapy-20.htmlhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson91.mp4

Gerson Therapy at HealthTalk180 – https://rumble.com/c/GersonTherapyAtHealthTalk180

Gerson Legacy (Part 1) with Margaret Straus – https://rumble.com/v4c7yji-gerson-legacy-part-1-with-margaret-straus-dr.-max-gerson-and-charlotte-gers.htmlhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson92.mp4

Gerson Legacy (Part 2) with Margaret Straus – https://rumble.com/v4cdauf-gerson-legacy-part-2-margaret-straus-and-howard-straus-dr.-max-gerson-gerso.htmlhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson93.mp4

Beata Bishop – Healed Stage 4 Melanoma 45 years ago | Healed the Incurable with Gerson Therapy | Interview on 2020-05-20 – https://rumble.com/v4g7bik-100-years-old-is-41-years-stage-4-melanoma-survivor-healed-the-incurable-wi.html?e9s=src_v1_ucphttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson4/Gerson1.mp4

Hippocrates Soup – Gerson Therapy Special Soup


This is Dr Max Gerson’s original Special Soup recipe. Named after the father of modern medicine. HIPPOCRATES SOUP All ingredients are ORGANIC as is all produce used on the Gerson Therapy.

4 potatoes (approx 1 lb) (you can use russets, white, yellow, red) 1 large onion (or 2 medium onions) (yellow, sweet, white, or red work) 2 small/medium leeks or 1 large (if not available, use 2 small onions instead) 1/2 celery root (if not mixing with celery stalks then 1 whole celery root) 2 celery stalks (if not mixing celery root or can’t find celery root then 3-4 celery stalks) Handfull of parsley (recipe calls for parsely root but I’ve never been able to find it) 6 Garlic cloves as desired 1 1/2 lb. tomatoes (approx 6) (or more if desired) IMPORTANT: Do not add or substitute ingredients. 1. Do not peel vegetables, just wash and scrub well. Chop. 2. Cover with distilled water. Cook slowly for 1 1/2 to 2 hours until vegetables are soft. 3. Once cooked put through a food mill (mouli) in small quantities. Discard the fibres. The soup should be no thicker than a thin cream that can be drunk from a mug. Keep in refrigerator but store for no longer than two days.


This site has been produced strictly for informational purposes and in no way should be used as a substitute for advice from your own health care professional. Therefore you must not consider educational material found here as a replacement for consultation with your physicians. Information taken from this website and acted upon by a reader, or other interested parties is carried out at that individual’s own risk. 


Sandra Patricia Andorfer – 27. 9. 2024 – Gesundheitsberaterin

Talk – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Andorfer.mp4

Bitchute – https://old.bitchute.com/video/yNXRpyy8tS4k/

Rumble – https://rumble.com/v5gjk5p-sandra-patricia-andorfer-zur-gersontherapie.html

Gesundheitsberaterin (IHK) – Oberursel – Reformhaus – AKADEMIE GESUNDES LEBEN


Fachberaterin essbare Wildpflanzen (HfWU)


Heilpflanzen-Expertin (AGL)


Kauzner – Saftgras.de –

https://saftgras.de – Weizengrassaft et.al. von Saftgras.de mit Konrad Kauzner – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6v2Mey2wpQ&t=3866s

Homepage – https://42grad.de

About –https://42grad.de/about/

Bücher – https://42grad.de/shop-empfehlungen/

Dr. med. Switzer

Akademie – https://deine-ernaehrung.de

Die Wildkräuter-Vitalkost-Therapie nach Dr. Switzer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLt9XawnS-g&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFc_2wALmCbePbYigFgPNSL&index=2 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson4/Gerson2.mp4

Dr. med. John Switzer – Die Behandlung chronisch degenerativer Erkrankungen mit Wildkräuter – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-uSpJNMvaU&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFc_2wALmCbePbYigFgPNSL&index=4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson4/Gerson3.mp4

Gerson-/Wildkräuter-Vitalkost-Therapie – https://john-switzer.de/dr-john-switzer/ – Zitat:“Ausgehend von der Gerson-Krebs-Therapie habe ich eine innovative Reha-Therapie für Krebspatienten entwickelt. Ich habe mich bemüht, die Gerson-Therapie durch die Einbeziehung der heimischen Wildkräuter, von Fermentsäften und spezieller Vitalkost-Rezepte zu optimieren. Die Wildkräuter-Vitalkost in Verbindung mit der Gerson-Therapie ist nicht nur für Krebspatienten hilfreich, sondern kann auch Patienten helfen, die unter einer degenerativen Erkrankung leiden. Dazu zählen Herz-Kreislauf- und Autoimmun-Erkrankungen, Polyarthritis, Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts oder chronische Entzündungen.“

Filmliste Dr. med. John Switzer – Die Behandlung chronisch degenerativer Erkrankungen mit Wildkräuter – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFc_2wALmCbePbYigFgPNSL

Natürliche Darmreinigung und Entgiftung mit Kaffee

Professor O.A. Meyer und Professor Martin Heubner (Universität Göttingen) bestätigten 1920, anhand von kontrollierten Untersuchungen, die positiven Wirkungen des KaffeeEinlaufes. – http://rauh-salutaris.de/wp-content/uploads/Natürliche-Darmreinigung-und-Entgiftung-mit-Kaffee.pdf – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Gerson23.pdf


Die Gersontherapie bei Dr. Andrew Saul – doctoryourself.com


on-line library of the works of MAX GERSON, M.D.


Speech by Dr. Gerson

A SUMMARY OF 30 YEARS OF CLINICAL EXPERIMENTATIONMAX GERSON, M.D. – from Physiol. Chem. & Physics 10 (1978) – http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonspeech.htmlhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Gerson21.pdf



Book and film reviews, as well as interviews are posted at:





Das Große Gerson Buch

Die bewährte Therapie gegen Krebs und andere Krankheiten – https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1023578363

Review by Dr. Andrew Saul

„Max Gerson cured cancer. He did so with a strict fat-free, salt-free, low-protein, essentially vegetarian dietary regimen, based on great quantities of fresh vegetable juice, supplements, and systemic detoxification. Ms. Gerson explains: „Dr. Gerson found that the underlying problems of all cancer patients are toxicity and deficiency. He had to overcome both these difficulties. He found that one of the important features of his therapy had to be the hourly administration of fresh vegetable juices. These supply ample nutrients, as well as fluids to help flush out the kidneys. When the high levels of nutrients re-enter tissues, toxins accumulated over many years are forced into the blood stream. The toxins are then filtered out by the liver. The liver is easily overburdened by the continuous release of toxins and is unable to release the load… Dr. Gerson found that he could provide help to the liver by the caffeine in coffee, absorbed from the colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries the caffeine to the portal system and then to the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver/bile ducts to open, releasing the poisons into the intestinal tract for excretion.“ – The Gerson Therapy book consists of nearly 400 pages of treatment specifics, instruction, hints, cautions, recipes, case histories, and references, all held together with an authority that only experience can bring. Some of the blunt, uncompromising statements Ms. Gerson makes are certain to get up the medical profession’s collective nose. Too bad for them. for she is right. Charlotte Gerson’s entire life has been immersed in healing people, first learning while assisting her father, and later teaching his method to the world. Co-author Dr. Morton Walker is one of my favorite medical writers, and putting these two talents together in The Gerson Therapy was a master stroke. – I personally have seen what the Gerson program can do for a terminally ill cancer patient. I have been called upon to help in a couple of high-profile but last minute cases. One patient was a well-known sports figure. He was given some months to live and was not happy about it, as he was still in his 50’s. He asked what his best shot would be for inoperable, untreatable metastasized cancer. I told him: the Gerson therapy. He did it, not in its entirety, but with enthusiasm. And, he lived considerably longer that he was expected to. But what really impressed me was the dramatic improvement in his energy level. From fatigue and weakness, he went instantly to a vibrant life, commencing from the very week he started the program. He maintained a more-than-full schedule for so long that even people who knew he was sick forgot that he was sick. – Years later, people that never knew of my involvement in the matter would bring up his name, invariably recalling how active he was and how good he looked until, almost as a surprise, he died. – I saw a similar level of success with a prominent New York businessman, the owner of a chain of stores and afflicted with untreatable liver cancer. He began to do much, but by no means all, of the Gerson program, and was subsequently able to extensively travel the world with his family. He lived years longer than expected, with a high quality of life confirmed by all who saw him. – Looking only at these two patients, wanton critics of Gerson’s method might think that, without complete and unequivocal cure, there is little to crow about. Such a view is unproductive, for neither of these patients followed the Gerson program completely. It is a tough sell, even to a person with a terminal diagnosis.

Why is this?

Ignorance and arrogance make a bad combination, and „modern“ medicine has been guilty of both for decades. Political physicians did not heed Dr. Gerson. In fact, they publicly condemned him. The news media have been their willing accomplices. The misinformation they spew to this day is fraught with fabricated frights of natural therapies, while in the same breath they spew forth the wonders of pharmaceutical drugs. When is the last time you saw a favorable mention of the Gerson program in the newspaper or on TV? Since pharmacological doctors have no sure-fire cure for cancer (an understatement if there ever was one), they might at least back a winning horse. The Gerson approach has been shown, for over six decades, to significantly improve both quality of life and length of life in the sickest, the most hopeless, of cancer patients. Many people have been completely cured on the Gerson therapy. – I am especially pleased with the open-minded spirit of cooperation which I detect in reading The Gerson Therapy. The authors‘ awareness of the realities of individual patient needs is well demonstrated with the inclusion of chapter sections discussing unavoidable modifications of the program. Instructions for home self-care, for patients undergoing chemotherapy, and for the treatment of very advanced cases, are all provided. – The book also contains explicit instructions for the administration of the Therapy’s controversial but nonetheless crucial liver-detoxifying coffee enemas. (Yes, at body temperature.) The use of castor oil, a thorough listing of which foods to eat (and not eat), how to juice, psychological aspects of therapy, and generally favorable mentions of megadose vitamin C supplementation are also presented. The concise chapter (Chapter 6) on melanoma is extraordinary, easily the best I have read anywhere. – Dosage and rationale for the supplements Dr. Gerson prescribed is the focus of Chapter 11. Potassium, iodine, digestive enzymes, niacin and (by prescription) thyroid, liver extract and vitamin B-12 injections are all covered. Both this chapter, and the „Resources“ section of the Appendix, are free of any attempt to market such products, a feature I wish to highlight for special praise. – I liked the inclusion of references at the end of each chapter, and the thoroughness of devoting a chapter to appropriate laboratory tests. And everyone will enjoy reading the success stories in Chapter 21. – Some years ago I watched a video tape of a Gerson patients‘ „reunion.“ On stage were people from all walks of life, and most were advanced in age. One after the other they spoke of the cancer they were diagnosed with three, ten, or twenty years ago. All were recovered. Dr. Gerson was the reason. You cannot watch such an event and fail to be moved. – A special benefit of The Gerson Therapy is that it is not specifically a cancer treatment. Dr. Gerson saw it as a metabolic treatment, one that cleanses the human organism while strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself. Not surprisingly, therefore, the Gerson therapy is effective against all manner of diseases, some 50 of which are listed on page 21. – I am even more interested in the preventive aspects of the Gerson diet. As I write this, I have a cool quart and a half of carrot juice in my tummy. I do not particularly enjoy carrot juice, but I do want to prevent illness. Only time will tell for me personally, but I am going to take a Pascal-like viewpoint: there is no down side to juiced vegetables. – Well, maybe one: some people don’t wish to change their diet and lifestyle. Jack Benny, when asked „Your money or your life“ made radio comedy history with his answer, „I’m thinking!“ To a profoundly sick person, the question might be rephrased, „The Gerson Therapy or your life.“ Too many persons have died thinking.

Don’t be one of them.

„I see in Dr. Max Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history.“ Dr. Albert Schweitzer“







Review Healing the Gerson Way – Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases – by Charlotte Gerson with Beata Bishop

http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonway.html – „Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases – by Charlotte Gerson with Beata Bishop –

Reviewed by Andrew W. Saul, J Orthomolecular Med, 2007. Vol 22, No 4, p 217-218.

If I were asked to choose the most valuable two pages of any medical book ever written, I would not hesitate to nominate pages 196-197 of Healing the Gerson Way. = Seiten 178/179 in der Deutschen Fassung. -They present a very concise listing of the full Gerson nutritional therapy as an “Hourly Schedule for Typical Cancer Patients.” These two pages deserve to be (and may already be) among the most photocopied-and-shared documents in alternative medicine. Authors Charlotte Gerson and Beata Bishop also provide additional, modified treatment schedule tables: one for patients who are severely weakened and/or on chemotherapy, and another for nonmalignant patients. – Any preconceptions that the seven-decades-old Gerson approach may be outmoded or inflexible will be put to rest in the second chapter. Long-time students of Gerson will appreciate new additions to the therapy, such as chromium, selenium, and pau d’arco. Chapters 5 and 6, supported by 175 references, discuss how chronic disease is primarily caused by what we do to ourselves. The remainder of the book tells you exactly what you can do about it, with sections on “Restoring the Body’s Defenses,” “Why Does the Gerson Therapy Work,” “Pain Control Without Drugs,” and “Preparing Food and Juices – The Basic Rules.” – It would not be Gerson book without a chapter on coffee enemas. The coffee enema is probably the most controversial, most misunderstood, and, perhaps, most memorable Gerson technique of all. Its purposes are detoxification, liver cleansing, and pain relief. Chapters also explain recommended laboratory tests and discuss non-pharmaceutical medications. I was pleased to see chapters addressing psychological support, necessary household procedures and equipment, and potential “healing reactions,” the Gerson version of the side-effect. A collection of frequently asked questions, and a broad sampling of case histories of recovered patients are also provided. Healing the Gerson Way is carefully supported with citations from the medical literature. Indexing is thorough, including both subject and author indexes. – For those who dread the thought of living on some kind of a health-nut vegetable juice diet, there is more good news. Chapter 28 is entirely made up of recipes, some 80 pages of them. They look good, too: dips, appetizers, sorbet, dressings, numerous soups and salads, grilled vegetables, ratatouille, and desserts. You do not have to be sick to want to eat Gerson-style. – For over thirty years I have recommended the Gerson therapy to persons fighting cancer, and have never once had cause to regret it. This new Gerson manual is the best ever written on the subject: comprehensive, up-to-date, exhaustively referenced, and very well-written. It explains the therapy as it instructs on exactly how to do it yourself. Most importantly, Healing the Gerson Way is about healing chronic diseases other than cancer,
including many that are supposedly „hopeless.“ Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: There is much more than hope for „terminal“ patients: there is Gerson. This is a compendium of knowledge, based on decades of success, that you will want to share with everyone you know. „

Natürliche Darmreinigung und Entgiftung mit Kaffee

Professor O.A. Meyer und Professor Martin Heubner (Universität Göttingen) bestätigten 1920, anhand von kontrollierten Untersuchungen, die positiven Wirkungen des KaffeeEinlaufes. – http://rauh-salutaris.de/wp-content/uploads/Natürliche-Darmreinigung-und-Entgiftung-mit-Kaffee.pdfhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Gerson23.pdf


Beata Bishop – Heilung gegen alle Regeln – Vom Melanom zur Gesundheit durch Diät-Therapie – 8. Juni 2024 – 100 Jahre  

Hippocrates – “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

Dr. Max Gerson:“Der Erfolg am Krankenbett ist allein, was zählt.“

Beata Bishop – Healed Stage 4 Melanoma 45 years ago | Healed the Incurable with Gerson Therapy | Interview on 2020-05-20 – https://rumble.com/v4g7bik-100-years-old-is-41-years-stage-4-melanoma-survivor-healed-the-incurable-wi.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson4/Gerson1.mp4

Any Regrets – Interview with Beata Bishop – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_JvvepblNE&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=1&t=94s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson/Bishop1.mp4

Beata Bishop presentation at the London 2013 Together Against Cancer Conference – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qnyjMS3M2E – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson/Bishop2.mp4


Gersontherapie in Deutschland

Dr. med. Switzer

Die Wildkräuter-Vitalkost-Therapie nach Dr. Switzer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLt9XawnS-g&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFc_2wALmCbePbYigFgPNSL&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson4/Gerson2.mp4

Dr. med. John Switzer – Die Behandlung chronisch degenerativer Erkrankungen mit Wildkräuter – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-uSpJNMvaU&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFc_2wALmCbePbYigFgPNSL&index=4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson4/Gerson3.mp4

Gerson-/Wildkräuter-Vitalkost-Therapiehttps://john-switzer.de/dr-john-switzer/ – Zitat:“Ausgehend von der Gerson-Krebs-Therapie habe ich eine innovative Reha-Therapie für Krebspatienten entwickelt. Ich habe mich bemüht, die Gerson-Therapie durch die Einbeziehung der heimischen Wildkräuter, von Fermentsäften und spezieller Vitalkost-Rezepte zu optimieren. Die Wildkräuter-Vitalkost in Verbindung mit der Gerson-Therapie ist nicht nur für Krebspatienten hilfreich, sondern kann auch Patienten helfen, die unter einer degenerativen Erkrankung leiden. Dazu zählen Herz-Kreislauf- und Autoimmun-Erkrankungen, Polyarthritis, Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts oder chronische Entzündungen.“

Filmliste Dr. med. John Switzer – Die Behandlung chronisch degenerativer Erkrankungen mit Wildkräuter – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFc_2wALmCbePbYigFgPNSL

Wildkräuter-Vitalkost mit Gerson 2.0 Anti-Krebs-Therapie: Energienahrung der Zukunft v. Dr. med. John Switzer  – https://www.rocky-mountain-minerals.eu/produkt/buch-wildkraeuter-vitalkost-energienahrung-der-zukunft-von-dr-john-switzer-2-auflage-neu-gerson-2-0-anti-krebs-therapie/

Anke Weberhttp://gesundheitspraxis-weber.com/gerson-therapie/

Die Gerson-Therapie bei chronischen Krankheiten



Verena Müller-Bernet – https://www.verena-mueller-bernet.comhttps://www.biokrebs.de/mein-weg-mit-krebs/betroffene-berichten/momentum-3-2021-verena-mueller-bernet-mein-abenteuer-mit-dr-max-gerson


Charlotte Gerson – Tochter von Max Gerson

Charlotte Eva Ruth Straus (Gerson) – 25 März 1922 – 10 Februar 2019 (96) –Colico, Province of Lecco, Lombardy, Italy (Italien) – Ex-Ehefrau von Erwin Yehudah Straus – Schwester von Johanna Oberlander und Gertrud Jenny Selten
Halbschwester von Johanna Oberlander und Gertrude Jenny Gerson

The Gerson Therapy – Healing Cancer & Other Chronic Diseases – https://rumble.com/v1bj8e9-gerson-therapy-cancer-chronic-diseases.html

Dr. med. Max Gerson und Charlotte Gerson zur Gersontherapie

Gesundheit bekommt man nicht im Handel, sondern durch den Lebenswandel – Sebastian Kneipp – https://gerson.vonabisw.de

Filmliste Charlotte and Dr. med. Max Gerson –https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t

The Gerson Miracle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkDdiaeUovI&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=11&t=20s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson1.mp4

CHARLOTTE GERSON INTERVIEW TAPE 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djGsjWwJThw&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=3&t=771s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson2.mp4

For Liberty Radio Show with guest Howard Straus – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJQ9ch5VIuQ&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=4&t=6s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson3.mp4

The Gerson Way with Charlotte Gerson – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUzF2vpg0Cc&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=5&t=6s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson4.mp4

Interview with Max Gerson’s grandson: Howard Strauss – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6E17rw8_Ic&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=6&t=1421s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson5.mp4

Live Foods For Winning Energy Without Drugs (CHARLOTTE GERSON) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yL19r-MttI&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=8 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson6.mp4

The Gerson Therapy – The Proven Nutritional… by Charlotte Gerson – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDuvVUl73Mo&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=11 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson7.mp4

The Gerson Therapy – Charlotte Gerson on Cancer I College of Naturopathic Medicine – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quuvi6Gvvmc&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=13 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson8.mp4

Cancer – The Forbidden Cures – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYd45VXrUH4&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=12&t=562s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson9.mp4

PlantPure Nation – Documentary – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_i_vp9Vfho&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=7&t=182s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson10.mp4

Natural food is the reason to be and stay healthy (german) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoJmCYdAEmQ – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson11.mp4


Howard Strauss – Enkel von Max Gerson

MAY 23, 1943 – JUNE 9, 2019 –https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/pacific-grove-ca/howard-straus-8740954

The Gerson Therapy – Healing Cancer & Other Chronic Diseases – https://rumble.com/v1bj8e9-gerson-therapy-cancer-chronic-diseases.html

Filmliste Charlotte and Dr. med. Max Gerson –https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t

The Gerson Miracle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkDdiaeUovI&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=11&t=20s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson1.mp4

For Liberty Radio Show with guest Howard Straus – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJQ9ch5VIuQ&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=4&t=6s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson3.mp4

Interview with Max Gerson’s grandson: Howard Strauss – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6E17rw8_Ic&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=6&t=1421s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson2/Gerson5.mp4

Dr. med. Nicholas Gonzalez – December 28, 1947 – July 21, 2015






Complete Works of Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D.


The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation – https://thegonzalezprotocol.com/nicholas-gonzalez-foundation/

Dr. med. Nicholas Gonzalez

Different Diets for Different Types – 4 Hour Lecture by Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4f3VbcT_E8https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez1.mp4

Ep 70 Part 1 – Mary Beth Gonzalez „Tribute to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez“ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocOcigDFq84https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez2.mp4

Ep 70 Part 2 – Mary Beth Gonzalez „Tribute to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez“ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3ylMOpo_-Ihttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez3.mp4

The History and Components of The Gonzalez Protocol – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Vnc2GR4AA&list=PLdNGvvAl_IaaloF9xy8-feV4hMapYARmP&index=30 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez4.mp4

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez interview he was curing cancer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLXqXBH2vSM&list=PLdNGvvAl_IaaloF9xy8-feV4hMapYARmP&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez5.mp4

Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. Memorial Service June 20, 2016 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Gs9d9zxgc&list=PLdNGvvAl_IaaloF9xy8-feV4hMapYARmP&index=6https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez6.mp4

Cancer and Nutrition Lecture (1990) Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fFx7gtPClI&list=PLdNGvvAl_IaaloF9xy8-feV4hMapYARmP&index=12https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez7.mp4

The Truth About Chemotherapy (with Nicholas Gonzalez, MD) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24YkS4bwHvs&list=PLdNGvvAl_IaaloF9xy8-feV4hMapYARmP&index=11https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez8.mp4

Nicholas Gonzalez Cancer | Juicing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUtOwNymziI&list=PLdNGvvAl_IaaloF9xy8-feV4hMapYARmP&index=1https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez11.mp4

Pancreatic & Protelytic Enzymes | Mary Swander, Author: The Maverick M.D.: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPXY-ijg0oMhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez9.mp4

Nicholas Gonzalez MD Final Interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv2vlIkA30w&list=PLKKpVF_53Qum_wpjo26PKEKrExEibv1aO&index=1&t=9shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Gonzalez10.mp4

Die Gerson – Botschafterin Beata Bishop


A Time to Heal

Healing the Gerson Way – Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

Cancer and After – How to Avoid a Recurrence

Small Guide, Big Journey – The Pocket Companion to a Conscious Life

8. Juni 2024 – 100 Jahre  

https://gerson.org/beatabishop100birthday/ – On June 8th, Beata Bishop celebrated her 100th Birthday

Joined in London by her long-time friends, including staff from the Gerson Health Centre, Europe, Beata enjoyed birthday treats, presents, and quality time with loved ones outdoors. – Not one to give up, Beata searched and searched until she found the Gerson Therapy, and was on her way to the first Gerson clinic in Mexico. Beata documented her time at the clinic and her miraculous recovery in her book, A Time to Heal. After her successful recovery, Beata became an advocate for the Gerson Therapy: she was a founding member of the Gerson Support Group, UK (no longer in service); served as a Charmain for the Hungarian Source of Health Foundation; worked annually as a psychotherapist at the Foundation; and dedicated more than twenty-five years to lecturing, writing, teaching, and training in Europe, thus providing the cornerstone for establishing Europe’s first Gerson clinic in Budapest, Hungary – the Gerson Health Centre. – Beata was diagnosed with stage IV spreading melanoma in 1980. This was fast-spreading, and Beata was told she only had two months to live. She underwent a disfiguring surgery that failed to stop the advance of the disease. – In 2010, Beata was selected to receive the Gerson Institute’s first ever Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Recognition for her decades-long volunteer work in the interest of spreading education on the Gerson Therapy. Beata also became known as the “European Ambassador of the Gerson Therapy” due to her long term lectures and publicity efforts. In addition to her lectures throughout Europe, Beata is a novelist and has published several articles as a writer for the BBC. Along with two other Hungarian psychologists, Beata founded the Hungarian Transpersonal Association in 1994, after the philosophy of Karl Jung.

Any Regrets – Interview with Beata Bishop – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_JvvepblNE&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLFp08Z8c0m7wLGKT4Ms7x7t&index=1&t=94s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson/Bishop1.mp4

Beata Bishop presentation at the London 2013 Together Against Cancer Conference – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qnyjMS3M2E – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson/Bishop2.mp4

Beata Bishop –

s.a. „Literatur“ – https://gerson.vonabisw.de/literatur

Heilung gegen alle Regeln – Vom Melanom zur Gesundheit durch Diät-Therapie – https://akse.de/produkt/beata-bishop-heilung-gegen-alle-regeln-vom-melanom-zur-gesundheit-durch-diaet-therapie/

Beata Bishop war am Boden zerstört, als ein Muttermal am rechten Bein als malignes Melanom diagnostiziert wurde, einer der aggressivsten Krebs- formen. Sie unterzog sich einer schmerzhaften und teilweise entstellenden Operation und man sagte ihr, dass sie danach gesund sei. Innerhalb eines Jahres aber metastasierte der Krebs in das Lymphsystem, und dann stellte man sie vor zwei grausame Alternativen: entweder noch mehr Chirurgie mit unsicherem Ausgang – oder Nichts tun und innerhalb von sechs Wochen bis zu einem halben Jahr sterben. Sie lehnte beide Möglichkeiten ab und entschied sich stattdessen für die Gerson-Therapie. Der Ansatz von Dr. Max Gerson gefiel ihr, weil er durch optimale Nährstoffzufuhr und gründliche Entgiftung das nicht mehr funktionierende Immunsystem soweit wiederherzustellen versprach, das es selbst die bösartigen Zellen zerstören kann. Sie nahm ihr Schicksal in eigene Hände und verbrachte zwei Monate in Mexiko in der damals einzigen Gerson-Klinik der Welt. Dort erlernte sie Theorie und Praxis der Therapie, die sie dann zwei Jahre selbst in London weiterführte. Es war harte Arbeit, aber heute, mehr als 30 Jahre danach, ist sie immer noch fit, gesund und geniesst das Leben in vollen Zügen. Ihr englisches Buch A Time to Heal liegt nun endlich in kompletter Übersetzung vor und ist eine persönliche Dokumentation von Mut und Entschlossenheit. Es schildert auch ihre persönliche Erfahrung mit der Gerson-Therapie, einer sensationell wirksamen Methode zur Behandlung chronischer Erkrankungen, deren Einzelaspekte auch zunehmend wissenschaftlich anerkannt werden – leider aber (noch) nicht als therapeutisches Gesamtkonzept.

Kathryn Alexander – Australia – https://www.kathrynalexander.com.au

25. Juni 2024 – Plant-based physician Dr. John McDougall has passed away at 77 years of age. – https://www.greenmatters.com/news/dr-john-mcdougall-cause-of-death

Chris Wark Beat Cancer

Homepage – https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/what-every-new-cancer-patient-needs-to-know/

Interviews with Chrishttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3AA7EBCFEC572F1Chttps://www.youtube.com/@chrisbeatcancer/videos

Ep 16: How Chris Wark Beat Cancer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBEDM09ya3E&list=PL3AA7EBCFEC572F1C&index=20https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson94.mp4


Reversing Disease Through Nutritional Medicine | Dr. Joel Fuhrman


B12, Algenöl, Zink, Jod, Selen, Vitamin D 3, Vitamin K2-MK 7, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B-Komplex, Astaxanthin

11.04.2024 – Dr. Joel Fuhrman – Secrets to Longevity: Exploring the Nutritarian Diet – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q3_yvV28hMhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Fuhrman1.mp4

Q&A with Dr. Fuhrman – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMDBDuCa3qQ&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLG6XehfIciK0iC1JAJVAbWB&index=2&t=340shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Fuhrman2.mp4

6 Powerful Foods That Reverse Type 2 Diabetes | Dr. Fuhrman – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QpUe9xgu68https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson47.mp4

Immunity Solution by Dr Joel Fuhrman, Part 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyhoMNxOhWw&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLG6XehfIciK0iC1JAJVAbWB&index=29https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson49.mp4

Immunity Solution by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Part 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdyc3j_czco&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLG6XehfIciK0iC1JAJVAbWB&index=30https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson50.mp4

The End of Dieting, How to Prevent Disease by Joel Fuhrman MD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXMzWkzqkao&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLG6XehfIciK0iC1JAJVAbWB&index=31https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson51.mp4

Reversing Disease Through Nutritional Medicine | Dr. Joel Fuhrman – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwF3BfbZdLU&t=1331shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson56.mp4

The Fast Food Genocide – Our Nutritional Heritage leading us to Health Tragedies, Brain Damage – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Flm10GuXSsk&list=PLjfxnIWwjbR5eGRV_eQhaY_EogpgKNOPY&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson48.mp4

Excess Hormones Cause Cancer by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd2wEE5iMJk&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLG6XehfIciK0iC1JAJVAbWB&index=2&t=17shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson57.mp4

Dr. Anthony Lim Presents at the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend Sept. 2016 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg1d6LGeMr4&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLF24rDiMXFoLYKv4scLc5zb&index=12https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson58.mp4

BTGH – Talk – https://talk.vonabisw.de/videos2/Fuhrman.mp4

Fuhrman-Filmliste Reversing Disease Through Nutritional Medicine


Niko Rittenau

Filmliste Niko Rittenau zu veganer Ernährung


Niko Rittenau Position zu veganer Ernährung geändert – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLNTgeqt9FYhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau1.mp4 – Anti-vegane Inhalte & unseriöse Quellen: Antworten zur Kritik aus der Community – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciJh3JfSMDMhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau2.mp4 – VEGANISMUS in der KRISE? – Niko Rittenau im Talk über kritische Nährstoffe und neue Positionen – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJtkhIV6PYY&t=0shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau3.mp4

Evidenzbasiertes Ernährungswissen – Ernährung und Gesundheit mit Niko Rittenau am 13. 8. 2019 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDfnFnLFi2Mhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau4.mp4

Evidenzbasiertes Ernährungswissen – Ernährung und Gesundheit mit Niko Rittenau am 13. 8. 2019 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDfnFnLFi2Mhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau7.mp4

27.03.2024 – Wissenschaftliche Gründe gegen vegane Ernährung | @Niko Rittenau – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwuUhZsCslU&t=1shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau5.mp4

03.07.2024 – Wie gesund ist VEGAN wirklich – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHKayr1yxBE&t=14shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson6/Rittenau6.mp4

Watson – https://watsonnutrition.de/produkt/all-in-one/

Ernährungswissen mit Niko Rittenau – https://ernaehrungswissen.podigee.io

Plant Pure Summit

Die hier und in den Gesprächen angebotenen Informationen und Empfehlungen dienen ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Sie ersetzen in keinem Fall individuellen ärztlichen Rat und die ärztliche Konsultation! Von einer Eigenbehandlung, ohne zuvor ärztlichen oder Therapeutischen (Heilpraktiker) Rat eingeholt zu haben, ist dringend abzuraten. – Wer dies dennoch tut, ist dafür ganz allein verantwortlich. Wir vom BTGH und die Gesprächsteilnehmer in unseren Talks lehnen jegliche Haftung für ein so riskantes Verhalten ab.



BTGH Summit

Die hier und in den Gesprächen angebotenen Informationen und Empfehlungen dienen ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Sie ersetzen in keinem Fall individuellen ärztlichen Rat und die ärztliche Konsultation! Von einer Eigenbehandlung, ohne zuvor ärztlichen oder Therapeutischen (Heilpraktiker) Rat eingeholt zu haben, ist dringend abzuraten. – Wer dies dennoch tut, ist dafür ganz allein verantwortlich. Wir vom BTGH und die Gesprächsteilnehmer in unseren Talks lehnen jegliche Haftung für ein so riskantes Verhalten ab.










Strophanthin- und Vitamin D 3- Unkenntnis bei Gersontherapeuten als Therapiehindernis

VERHANDLUNGEN DER DEUTSCHEN GESELLSCHAFT FÜR INNERE MEDIZIN XLV. KONGRESS – April 1933 – Untersuchungen zum Wirkungsmechanismus des Strophantins – Seite 203 – https://www.dgim.de/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/Verhandlungen/1921-1940/1933_45_Wiesbaden.pdfhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Gerson24.pdf

Leinsamenschrot / Leinöl muß zwingend um 2 El. Algenöl ergänzt werden.

D 3 Kunstfehler in der Kneippmedizin und der Gersontherapie


Vitamin D3 hochdosiert in der Gersonmedizin


Orthomolekulare Therapie – hochdosiert – mit Vitamin D 3

Dr. med. Raimund von Helden bei Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/@VitaminDelta/featured

Raimund von Helden – Besser als Vitamin D – die Vitamin-D-Aktivierung ! Mit Kneipp 3.0 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9thFU6En10&t=36s

https://btgh.vonabisw.de/prof-dr-med-bruce-w-hollis-on-vitamin-d-in-high-doses – https://talk.vonabisw.de/videos2/Hollis.mp4 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHx1GF2XON8&t=3443s

Große Vitamin D 3 Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHzzWYmFN8irXXSUEK6QaQ9

Filmlisten Vitamin D et. al.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEzbM98-eddivYflm1Su4KYf – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtKw1QgfYrkuKigmFbdJEWAv2Li54ewQ – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtKw1QgfYrmtMxTlqj4v4xXtJHCsv-kJ

Vitamin D – Forschung 2022


Dr med von Helden / Prof. Spitz / Prof. Hollis zu Vitamin D 3 – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEzbM98-eddivYflm1Su4KYf – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwrC2TkWtFzwH8qjgfvJKBe – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwhjjR79MhhiVLhfAEX4bKl – 


Direktor von Karmananda – Günter Karl Hartner – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEzs_R0n05DtlPBb0_QUtUZZ – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQo2wnCXpzslcbsIvEsAOdTSpiJ2duKfH

Ahnungslosigkeit in Sachen Strophanthin – Strophanthus Gratus Urtinktur = Ouabain



Überblick – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Kneippsummit3/Schachmatt1.mp4

Dr. med. Markus Peters – Strophantin – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbPGppYdvQ&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGY4wXIcoW2msH4iQThJYmg&index=2  – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson54.mp4 – – sein Kanal – https://www.youtube.com/@derherzerklaerer/videos

Strophanthinfilmliste 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGY4wXIcoW2msH4iQThJYmg

Strophanthin – vom Pfeilgift zum natürlichen Herzmittel – von Dr. med. Eberhard J. Wormer – https://talk.vonabisw.de/BTGH/Wormer.pdf




DI Josef M. Enichlmayr – Schach-Matt dem Herzinfarkt – Statt Bypass-OP Gipfelsieg im Schneebergmassiv  – http://www.enichlmayr.at – http://www.enichlmayr.at/149%20bestellung.pdf

Strophanthin- „Milch der alten Leute“


Filmliste Dr. Debusmann – Apotheker Jens Boving – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbExAnx6axnKsSIMEAHyZ8rdF

Strophanthin Filmlisten


Strophanthin 2022 – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwu43kuRDjvWUfOBIrIuc3c

Strophanthin – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEyKBhYledjTUqKc7Gf3sKXc


Die Lösung des Herzinfarkt-Problems – Strophanthin – Die optimale Vorbeugung und Behandlung. Eine allgemeinverständliche Darstellung der Fakten – Gebundene Ausgabe – 6. April 2023

Patric Heizmann – https://www.youtube.com/@patricheizmann/videos

Anja Seitner – https://www.youtube.com/@anjaseitner/videos

chronisch ehrlich – HEILKRAFTWERK – https://www.youtube.com/@chronischehrlich/videos

Psychische und körperliche Gesundheit – https://www.youtube.com/@psychischeundkorperlichege8301/videos

Anthony Translate – https://www.youtube.com/@anthonytranslate/videos

Talks mit Strophanthin – Ärzten und Apothekern

Strophanthin mit Dr. med. dent. Wieland Debusmann – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophanthin-mit-dr-med-dent-wieland-debusmann

Strophanthin mit Apotheker Jens Boving – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophanthin-mit-apotheker-jens-boving

Strophanthin mit Dipl. Ing. Josef Maximilian Enichlmayr – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/2257-2

Strophanthin mit dem Ärztlichen Direktor von Karmananda – Günter Karl Hartner – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophantin-mit-dem-arzt-guenter-karl-hartner-karmananda

Strophanthin mit Dr. med. Eberhard Wormer – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/dr-med-eberhard-wormer-zu-strophanthin

Strophanthin mit Dr. med. Michael Schöneberg / Frankfurt Oder – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/dr-med-michael-schoeneberg

Strophanthin mit der Ärztin Ursula Ehrhorn / Berlin – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophantin-mit-frau-dr-md-ehrhorn-berlin

Strophanthin mit Peter Mattis / Vlotho – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophantin-mit-herrn-mattis

Strophanthin mit Rolf-Jürgen Petry – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophanthin-mit-rolf-juergen-petry

Strophanthin / Quabain with James Roberts – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/strophanthin-quabain-with-james-roberts

OUABAIN = G-Strophanthin

OUABAIN in CV DISEASE – for INTEGRATIVE PRACTIONERS 4/21 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHmi9Wh4_Fc&t=15shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Kneipp/Roberts.mp4

BRIEF REBUTTAL TO A STATEMENT BY LYONS-WEILER & STROPHANTHUS/OUABAIN – 10/5/2 – https://old.bitchute.com/video/HWC5Fc6RxgEj/https://old.bitchute.com/video/zcQkRrLR1N9P/


Gespräch mit Dr. med. Ellis Huber am 6. Dezember 2022 – lange Jahre Ärztekammerpräsident Berlin – https://btgh.vonabisw.de/gespraech-mit-dr-med-ellis-huber-am

Janette Murray-Wakelin – Curing Cancer by eating a Raw Diet

Youtube Janette Murray-Wakelin


Homepage Jannette and Alan Murray


Filmliste Jannette and Alan Murray


After curing herself from cancer by eating a raw diet, Jannette and Alan Murray decided to change their lifestyle and run around Australia. 365 MARATHONS IN ONE YEAR Over the course of their marriage, Janette Murray-Wakelin and Alan Murray have lived their lives to the fullest, embracing the challenge of endurance sports, the enrichment of global travel and, above all, the rewards of a natural and healthy lifestyle for themselves and their family. However, they met an unexpected and frightening hurdle when Janette, at 52, was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and given less than a year to live. The path that Janette took with the support of Alan and her family resulted in an inevitable journey to a more healthy conscious living and the passion to share their (extensive) knowledge and experiences (like running a marathon a day for a year) with others.

365 Daily Marathons By Janette & Alan Murray


Running Raw Around Australia | Alan Murray & Janette Murray-Wakelin


Raw Can Cure Cancer: ….and set a World Record of 366 Consecutive Marathons 

From Stage 4 Breast Cancer to the Ironman Triathlon with Dr. Ruth Heidrich

Filmliste Dr. Ruth Heidrich


Homepage Dr. Ruth Heidrich


VEGAN Since 1982! She Reversed Cancer With Diet & Never Looked Back – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbPsOoPF09I&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGC1DyM-j1xTz_TNcI5qMhJ&index=1https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson42.mp4

How a Plant-Based Diet Helped Beat Stage 4 Cancer: Dr. Ruth Heidrich’s Story – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOO_s3-pfYU&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGC1DyM-j1xTz_TNcI5qMhJ&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson43.mp4

A Race for Life: Dr. Ruth Heidrich’s Journey from Cancer to a Plant-Based Champion Athletehttps://www.plantstrongpodcast.com/blog/ruth-heidrichhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-9WD1-k-ag&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGC1DyM-j1xTz_TNcI5qMhJ&index=4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson44.mp4

A Race for Life – A Diet and Exercise Program for Super-Fitness and Reversing the Aging Process; The Amazing Story of How One Woman Survived Breast Cancer to Take on the Toughest Races in the World

Dr. Patrick Vickers – gersonclinic.com

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Gerson Advanced Therapy – https://rumble.com/vv7sjc-gerson-advanced-therapy.htmlhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson5/Vickers1.mp4

Filmliste Dr. Patrick Vickers – Die verbotene Therapie eines Deutschen Arztes


Dr. Max Gerson birthplace – Wagrowiec – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I7_Ml-ln9A

Gerson Therapy at Northern Baja Gerson Center – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCVerHjR1kg&t=15s

GERSONCLINIC Tour – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-tFZFK4KkQ

Diabetes / Gerson Therapy


Chris Wark Interviews


1- Gerson Cancer Therapy explained by Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/gerson-cancer-therapy-explained-by-dr-vickers/ – https://rumble.com/v3dr8vi-dr.-patrick-vickers-explains-gerson-therapy-for-healing-cancer-naturally.html – 

2- Gerson Therapy Q&A with Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/gerson-therapy-qa-dr-patrick-vickers/ – https://rumble.com/v3dragq-gerson-therapy-q-and-a-with-dr.-patrick-vickers.html – 

3- Dr. Vickers explains coffee enemas for healing cancer – https://rumble.com/v3dr6x4-dr.-vickers-explains-coffee-enemas-for-healing-cancer.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp – 

4- Gerson Therapy For Cancer – Advanced Cancer Protocols with Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://rumble.com/v3dr0lz-gerson-therapy-for-cancer-advanced-cancer-protocols-with-dr.-patrick-vicker.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp – 





ChemoAlternatives talk with Dr. Vickers: – Type of therapies – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UARhJR2yKEo



Five-year survival rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of Gerson: a retrospective reviewhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9359807/

“Living proof” and the pseudo-science of alternative cancer treatmentshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2630257/

Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny

Dr. Vickers Videos from the Homepage


General Rules for Health According to Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUG9GjcKU6E

Dr. Vickers was LIVE on Facebook June 7th 2023 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7kvRIfBgu8&t=253s



ChemoAlternatives talk with Dr. Vickers – A day in a life of a Gerson Therapy’s patient – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwXsGzrZjhc

Dr. Patrick Vickers discusses the effective expansion of the Gerson Therapy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L5FfRMCVqk

Episode #167: Gerson Therapy with Dr. Patrick Vickers, DC – https://www.betterhealthguy.com/episode167

The Advanced Gerson Therapy Overviewhttps://gersonclinic.com/the-advance-gerson-therapy-overview/

THE END OF AN ERAhttps://gersonclinic.com/the-end-of-an-era/

Dr. Vickers LIVEhttps://gersonclinic.com/dr-vickers-live/

Censored For Speaking the Truth about the Gerson Therapy – a message from Dr. Vickers


Dr. Patrick Vickers Interview


Olga Winzenried on zoom with Dr. Patrick Vickers


Dr. Vickers featured interview with Ryan Sternagel of The Stern Method Health Summit


Dr. Vickers lecture on supplements


The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest Episode 1




Dr. Patrick Vickers and Chris from Chris beat cancer answering questions Live on Facebook


Dr Vickers Southampton, UK Lecture


Metabolic Breakdown: Dr. Patrick Vickers on The Gerson Therapy


475: Reversing Cancer with Advanced Gerson Therapy, Dr. Patrick Vickers


The Advanced Gerson Therapy Overview


Marcus and Sabrina Freudenmann


Filmliste Gersonsummit 2024 – The Legacy of Dr. med. Max Gerson

Die Filmliste Gersonsummit 2024 bei Bitchute –


Dr. Max Gerson Healing the Hopeless

Version 1.0.0


Die Youtube Filmliste Charlotte and Dr. med. Max Gerson – https://gerson.vonabisw.de/filmliste-charlotte-and-dr-med-max-gerson


ZUR GESCHICHTE DER GERSON – THERAPIE – https://old.bitchute.com/video/3NHqP2pXRfjY/https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson3.mp4

DIE FOLGEN DER VERWEIGERUNG DER GERSONTHERAPIE BEI GRETCHEN GERSON – https://old.bitchute.com/video/YCozf6czEjU1/https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson1.mp4

DR. MED. BIRCHER – BENNER BEGEISTERT VON DER GERSONTHERAPIE – https://old.bitchute.com/video/SzBAhLdqoZko/https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson1.mp4

SABOTAGE DER SAUERBRUCH/GERSON STUDIE DURCH DÜMMLICHE KRANKENSCHWESTER – https://old.bitchute.com/video/JoFB4xB7yefz/https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson4.mp4

ALBERT SCHWEITZER ZUM TOD VON MAX GERSON 1959 – https://old.bitchute.com/video/TvODYwhuQAx7/https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson5.mp4

DR. MED. MAX GERSON VOR DEM US – SENAT – https://old.bitchute.com/video/Jr0IHrazT5LX/https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson6.mp4

Florian Sauer – Leber entgiften mit natürlichen Maßnahmen

Filmliste Florian Sauer


Nakurapie Florian Sauer


Die wundersame Leber & Gallenblasenreinigung – Ein kraftvolles Verfahren zur Verbesserung Ihrer Gesundheit und Vitalität 

Leberfasten mit Florian Sauer


Leber entgiften mit natürlichen Maßnahmen – mit Florian Sauer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXGo-6K2qT0&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHf–Rmwz5bHnFCmyKGzcRC&index=1&t=17shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson28.mp4

Florian Sauer – Wie du Leber und Darm effektiv entlastest – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Na3OizH50&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHf–Rmwz5bHnFCmyKGzcRC&index=6&t=21shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson29.mp4

Florian Sauer – Durch eine wirksame Entgiftung zu mehr Gesundheit – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVl9VEIqdPw&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHf–Rmwz5bHnFCmyKGzcRC&index=7&t=31shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson30.mp4

Leberreinigung Florian Sauer / Leber- und Gallenblasenreinigung – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulCbOCeu3O8&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHf–Rmwz5bHnFCmyKGzcRC&index=9&t=9shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson31.mp4

Körper entgiften: Warum und wie – mit FLORIAN SAUER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uvcwmaHYf8&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHf–Rmwz5bHnFCmyKGzcRC&index=11&t=9shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson32.mp4

Gesundheit und Entgiften- mit Florian Sauer –

1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz1iqZmcxzo&t=8shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson33.mp4

2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIJ2ogHrlnQ&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLHf–Rmwz5bHnFCmyKGzcRC&index=14&t=8shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson34.mp4

Leberreinigung Anleitung Florian Sauer  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NNpTsZHV3M&t=8shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson35.mp4

Literatur zur Gersontherapie

Dr. Max Gerson – Eine Biographie


Die Gerson-Therapie

Chronische Erkrankungen bio-logisch heilen – https://akse.de/produkt/gerson-bishop-die-gerson-therapie-chronische-entzuendungen-bio-logisch-heilen/

Das Große Gerson Buch

Die bewährte Therapie gegen Krebs und andere Krankheiten – https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1023578363

Eine Krebstherapie 50 Fälle

30 Jahre klinische Erfahrung in der Behandlung fortgeschrittener Krebsfälle durch Diät-Therapie – https://akse.de/produkt/max-gerson-eine-krebstherapie-50-faelle/

Charlotte Gerson – Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

Dr. Max Gerson: Meine Diät – Ein Ratgeber für Kranke und Gesunde


Die Gerson-Therapie bei chronischen Krankheiten – Zentrum der Gesundheit

https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/bibliothek/naturheilkunde/behandlungsformen/gerson-therapie – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson18.pdf

Beata Bishop

Heilung gegen alle Regeln – Vom Melanom zur Gesundheit durch Diät-Therapie – https://akse.de/produkt/beata-bishop-heilung-gegen-alle-regeln-vom-melanom-zur-gesundheit-durch-diaet-therapie/

Doctor Max

This extraordinary biographical novel is a faithful account of the heroic life of Dr. Max Gerson, originator of the most significant medically-based cure for cancer to emerge in modern times. Beginning in 1933, the novel details Gerson’s flight from Nazi Germany and the subsequent struggles of Andrej Markhoff (an emigre Russian aristocrat and former patient) to write the doctor’s story. Years later, Guliano Dego recovers Markoff’s papers and is at once captured by the drama of Gerson’s life. He travels to Mexico, to Gerson’s clinic in exile, where he observes the method first-hand and uncovers new and shocking facts in the plot to suppress Gerson’s work. In the novel’s gripping denouement, the author finally discovers both the fate of Andrej Markoff and the forces behind international medical collusion.


Dr. Max Gerson Healing the Hopeless

Version 1.0.0


Censured for Curing Cancer – The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson


Joe Cross Film – Fat, sick and nearly dead

Joe Cross Film – Fat, sick and nearly dead – 2011 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-WUP5psyuM&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGc-qBaFv34B2muDbq-Y2dg&index=11&t=34shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson8.mp4

Erfahrungsberichte – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDzLJYhX1GeiaCZGe0WSq58jQRx3ws6D_

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead 2 – 2014 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UroVlWDyjn4&t=28shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson9.mp4

25. Novemner 2022 – Joe Cross Interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cBYcUMmYzs&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLH-8FR4MzZjzyBHx_8AbueK&index=76&t=616s

Homepage – https://www.rebootwithjoe.com

Rich Roll  – Joe Cross Lost 100lbs, Rebooted His Life and Created a Movement  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O-lqOzijdU

How Joe Cross Juiced His Way Back to Health – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08sIoGuq5-Q


Nama J2 vs. Hurom H-320 N – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvwiQrkVe24 – Der Nama J 2, der mit dem Hurom 320 N nahezu identisch ist, wird von der Firma Hurom in Südkorea für Nama für den amerikanischen Markt produziert. – The Beginnings of Nama – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW9B2jIm3u4 – Joe Cross Introducing Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EnsPT-DulY – Joe Cross: Interview with Nama Founder Dan Sheehan – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii_JC_oPDXg

Fast way to health – Joe Cross Interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-E2bTmePgI


Jason Vale – Super Juice Me

Super Juice Me –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aaxa7rxEbyk&list=PLlx8qA3u_BLGc-qBaFv34B2muDbq-Y2dg&index=12https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson7.mp4

Jason Vale – Juice Tube – https://www.youtube.com/@juicemaster/videos

Jason Vale: The Juice Master’s Rebounding Workout (2007) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcpyzFsoXdg

Mai.2022 – Super Juice Me! 1½ — Documentary – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXGvnUamN0s

April 2022 – The story of making Superjuiceme – Juicing for Glowing Skin, Weight Loss & Transformation with Jason Vale – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A63S22JoJ18


Retreats – https://www.juicemasterretreats.com

Super Juice Me Lockdown 2.0 — The Results Are In – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvFbMoi7_NA&t=6s

Leckere Küche


Angel Juicer 5500



Angel Juicer 8500 – Angel Juicer 7500 – Angel Juicer 5500 Vergleich


The Norwalk Juicer Company closed its doors in October 2021 after 87 years of innovation, dedication to natural health, and showing the power of two-stage cold-press juicing. 

PURE Juicer will now be the only two-stage juicer available. Created in 2016, PURE Juicer innovated two-stage juicing and the juicing experience through modern technology and customer input.

PURE Juicer is Gerson-Approved, just like Norwalk.

PURE Juicer – How long does it take to juice carrots


Karottensaft selber machen mit dem Angel Juicer 


Angel Juicer vs Hurom H320N Entsafter – Karottensaft wer ist besser


Angel Juicer 8500 vs Norwalk Juicer 


Juicer – Angel vs Pure Juicer –


Haftungsausschluß / Copyright


Die hier und in Gesprächen angebotenen Informationen und Empfehlungen dienen ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Sie ersetzen in keinem Fall individuellen ärztlichen Rat und die ärztliche Konsultation. Von einer Eigenbehandlung, ohne zuvor ärztlichen oder Therapeutischen (Heilpraktiker) Rat eingeholt zu haben, ist dringend abzuraten. – Wer dies dennoch tut, ist dafür ganz allein verantwortlich. Wir vom BTGH und die Gesprächsteilnehmer in unseren Talks lehnen jegliche Haftung für ein so riskantes Verhalten ab.


Wir vom BTGH haben nur das Recht, das jeweilige Gespräch ungekürzt und unbearbeitet auf frei zugänglichen Videoplattformen (also keine Bezahlschranken) und auf unserer Homepages zu veröffentlichen. – Unsere Gäste haben das Recht, die mp4-Datei beliebig zu kürzen, bearbeiten oder zu ergänzen und auf Ihren Internetangebotsseiten parallel zu veröffentlichen.



The information and recommendations offered here and in talks and discussions are intended for general information purposes only. In no case do they replace individual medical advice and consultation. We strongly advise against self-treatment without first seeking medical or therapeutic (natural health) advice. – Anyone who does this is solely responsible for it. We at BTGH and the participants in our talks decline any liability for such risky behavior.

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


We at BTGH only have the right to publish the respective conversation uncut and unedited on freely accessible video platforms (i.e. no paywalls) and on our homepages. – Our guests have the right to shorten, edit or add to the mp4 file as they wish and to publish it on their websites and video-platforms according to their liking.

Impressum / Datenschutz


Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 hat das Landgericht Hamburg entschieden, dass man durch die Ausbringung eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. mit zu verantworten hat. Dies kann – so das LG – nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Wir haben auf diesen Seiten Links zu anderen Seiten im Internet gelegt. Für all diese Links gilt: Wir möchten ausdrücklich betonen, dass wir keinerlei Einfluss auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten haben. Deshalb distanzieren wir uns hiermit ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten der gelinkten Seiten auf dieser Homepage. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf unseren Seiten angebrachten Verweise. Sollten die hier veröffentlichten Bilder irgendwelche Urheberrechte verletzen, bitten wir um kurze Benachrichtigung. Die betreffenden Bilder werden dann unverzüglich entfernt.

Im übrigen gilt der Inhalt der verlinkten Hauptseite – https://vonabisw.de/impressum-und-datenschutz

Die hier und in den Gesprächen angebotenen Informationen und Empfehlungen dienen ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Sie ersetzen in keinem Fall individuellen ärztlichen Rat und die ärztliche Konsultation! Von einer Eigenbehandlung, ohne zuvor ärztlichen oder Therapeutischen (Heilpraktiker) Rat eingeholt zu haben, ist dringend abzuraten. – Wer dies dennoch tut, ist dafür ganz allein verantwortlich. Wir vom BTGH und die Gesprächsteilnehmer in unseren Talks lehnen jegliche Haftung für ein so riskantes Verhalten ab.